Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite: A Hidden Gem

Game image of Final fantasy and text Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite

Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite: The outing is now a well-known site tour that unveils the historical past of a remarkably accurate hidden gem.

In the mystical realm of Eorzea, where chocobos roam and adventurers seek their fortunes, there exists a mineral that captures the imagination of miners and collectors alike: It is a rather recondite raw ihuykanite.

But, allow me to ask the reader, what does this elusive material refer to, and why does it appeal to us?

We want to dig down to the gems of information about this spectacular gemstone, so let us begin digging into it.

Origins and Discovery of Raw Ihuykanite

According to the oral tradition, pure raw ihuykanite was identified by one miner deep into the dangerous premises of the Dravanian Hinterlands.

The miner with tired, swollen arms, went on digging all these days without anything in mind, suddenly when he was tired and anxious, he hits the pickaxe on a small rock and behold it glitters like stars of the night.

Due to its rather peculiar properties the mineral became an object of interest of scholars and alchemists across Eorzea, which is why it was classified as a collectable.

Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite Physical Properties

Color and Luster:

This is particularly true for raw ihuykanite, which is very rare and has the most beautiful color, which may be described as a combination between azure blue and iridescent silver.

When viewed from a distance it reflects light in the same manner as captured astral object.

He unparallelled shine, it bears closer resemblance to precious gem stones than any other fabric in the world.


According to the Mohs scale this diamond is between adamantium and the resolve a Warrior of Light has when fighting a primal.

While it is sturdy enough to bear the pressure of mining in the real world, it is sensitive enough to demand professionalism while extraction.

Crystal Structure:

Chemically, ihuykanite forms a rather intricate crystal structure which could be likened to a dance of elements.

It has been said that it does not fit the geometry of the Twelve or that it creates confusion to the Twelve’s math.

Uses and Applications

Collectability: Ihuykanite in its raw form is cherished and prized especially its rarefied form.

It is present among the nobles of Ishgard where they store it along with the best wines and most valuable books.

Acquiring a specimen with no blemish is prestigious.

Alchemy and Aetheric Properties: The alchemists work with the stone ihuykanite to try and release the energies contained in it.

Some say that it increases the ability of spell casting while others say that it can make potions to enable test flight.

Jewelry and Fashion: Ihuykanite is well fashioned by artisans into beautiful ornaments.

It is believed that the rings, earrings, and pendants composed of this gem can bring good luck for the wearer against the voidsent and the eyes will shine brighter than the freshly minted gil piece.

Mining Locations

The Fringes: Miners risking their lives and facing cliffs and other secret caves in The Fringes to obtain rare substance – raw ihuykanite.

The nodes are that are present at some instances as for example during the celestial occurrences and indeed they disappear in the same manner.

Dawn trail: Mining nodes in Dagger packages that remain pristine in Dawn trail produce ihuykanite.

Those in hope of finding these nodes better take a sturdy pickaxe, a thermos full of herbal tea, and curiosity.


Last but not the least, raw ihuykanite is not just a rare mineral but a fragment of Eorzea’s essence which will one day belong to those who will be able to find it.

Therefore, get your pickaxe, pretend to be a miner now and go find this location of hidden treasure. And remember: It is not mandatory to have a knack for gardening to follow this advice but embracing the mysterious is always helpful.


What is rarefied raw ihuykanite?

Raw Ihuykanite is a rare gemstone in the geography of Eorzea and as a refined material, it is known as rarefied raw ihuykanite. The fact that it has a blue-silver gleaming sheen coupled with special properties makes it a material of choice.

Where can I find rarefied raw ihuykanite?

This gem is mined in treacherous places like The Fringes and Dawntrail to be in the hands of miners. Carry your pickaxe around and your sense of awe right behind it.

Is it valuable?

Absolutely! It is considered as a form of prestige to own a flawless specimen of this rarest of raw ihuykanite. You can find it in collectors’ and noble’s houses in Ishgard.

Can I use it for anything other than display?

Scientists try to develop new methods for use of the elemental energies stored in ihuykanite.

Some people think it is used in spell casting while others consider it to be used in brewing potions which provides one with the ability to fly for some time.

Is there a way to get it I do not have to be a gardener and plant to find it?

Not at all! However, you are going to need this legendary pickaxe.

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